Els alumnes del CFGM en Cures Auxiliars d´Infermeria han rebut la visita d´una antiga ex-alumna del centre, Ira López. Han pogut gaudir de la seva experiència tant a les pràctiques com al món laboral a l´hospital i han resolt els dubtes de primera mà d´una persona que l´any anterior estava en la mateixa situació que ells. La xerrada ha sigut força enriquidora.
Constellation has a 66-year history and is one of OMEGA's oldest collections. Since its inception in 1952, the Constellation series has undergone aesthetic changes, from the "Pie-pan" dial of the 1950s to the ultra-thin quartz watches of the 1970s, to the Manhattan constellation and its iconic claws in 1982. Today, many Constellation models are equipped with an observatory movement,replica watches a tribute to the tradition of luxury and precision. In this article, we will look back at the history of the Omega Constellation and explore how this immortal series was born, evolved and developed, and gained a unique star appeal.